Keepstream is one of the five Capital Factory companies graduating today at Demo Day here in Austin. With their new web tool you can collect tweets and snippets, arrange as nicely-formatted collections, then share directly or embed in blog posts as I’ve done below.
Besides shilling for them, I’ve been wanting to make these kinds of posts periodically. It’s nice to highlight awesome articles about startup that I didn’t write!
(Full disclosure: Through Capital Factory I’m both an investor and mentor for Keepstream.)
New Blog Post: “You’re a developer, so why do you work for someone else?”
You’re a developer, so why do you work for someone else? | Intermittent Intelligence | ||
POST: Everything I Needed To Know About Entrepreneurship, I Learned from Star Wars
Everything I Needed to Know About Entrepreneurship, I learned from Star Wars — | ||
6 Simple Selling Tips For Software Entrepreneurs (from OnStartups)
6 Simple Selling Tips For Software Entrepreneurs
6 simple tips for selling more software.
US Economic Risks (Sept 2010): Impact on Investors & Entrepreneurs
US Economic Risks (Sept 2010): Impact on Investors & Entrepreneurs | Both Sides of the Table
This post was originally published in a shorter (more sensible) format in the Wall Street Journal online. If you’re short on time click on the WSJ link and
Startup Business Checklist 2010
Startup Business Checklist 2010 : Steve Smith’s Blog
Below is my current checklist for startup businesses in 2010. This is meant to be relatively industry-agnostic and focuses primarily on online components of the business (meaning, it may not apply to businesses which avoid the Internet for whatever reason
New blog post. Pricing a breakthrough product:
Pricing a breakthrough product – Business of Software Blog
If you’re a horse rider then coming off your horse is something that’s going to happen to you occasionally: This rider survived – walked away, in fact – because he was wearing a special protective jacket. As the rider fell,…
How To Land a Killer Job At a Tech Startup Out of College –
How to Land a Killer Job at a Tech Startup Out of College | Jason Shen | ||
New Product: USERcycle – a better way to track and engage your customers: #leanstartup
New Product: USERcycle – a better way to track and engage your customers | ||
Great parable by @edwinmoh on what the VC world is like:
Thrice Around the Block: The Growth Mystique: A Silicon Valley Parable
Thoughts on marketing, technology commercialization and Silicon Valley startups by a high tech executive
Great basic guide on VC / Startup liquidation preferences:
Beware the trappings of liquidation preference | VentureBeat
Scott Edward Walker is the founder and CEO of Walker Corporate Law Group, PLLC, a boutique corporate law firm specializing …
RT @BobWalsh 5 Mistakes Developers make Selling to Developers
5 Mistakes Developers make Selling to Developers | ||
Seth’s Blog: But what have you shipped?
Seth’s Blog: But what have you shipped?
Yes, I know you’re a master of the web, that you’ve visited every website written in English, that you’ve been going to SXSW for ten years, that you were one of the first bloggers, you used Foursquare before it was…
How we collect first impression feedback from our new users by sending a simple welcome email –
I Welcome New Users on Tuesdays – Prefinery Blog | ||
9 responses to “Killer articles on startups”
Hi Jason! Thank you for telling us about this!
This product does look well-polished and quite tempting. I will probably end up using it sooner rather than later to replace that retired blogroll of mine. I guess this is what happens when a start-up gets to have YOU as a mentor :)
I was wondering, though, what the business model for Keepstream was. I did not see any paying service while (quickly) browsing their web site, so how are they going to pay for ramen?
The current plan is to create a freemium business. A free version is available for many people to try out and get used to curating links and social media, then bloggers and companies that want a more powerful platform can upgrade to various subscription levels. We’ll roll out the paid features later though once we’ve gotten a stronger understanding of our user base and more data points. Gotta pay for the ramen somehow! If we have a little extra maybe we’ll upgrade to rice and beans.
KeepStream looks awesome, and as soon as you mentioned it I felt this deja vu feeling that I had already been wanting it, but of course such a thing hadn’t actually occurred to me before. That said, it’s only partially useful; add in XML feeds from blogs (like from and then it really starts to become useful!
I just signed up and created a “collection” of tweets, check it out here: I’ll start using this immediately – I listened to this company’s pitch today at Capital Factory Demo Day 2010 but didn’t really have time to test it until now… very cool.
thumbs-down from me. No ‘about’, no ‘what’s in it for me?’… no call to action, blah blah. Possibly biased because of my innate dislike of the real-time fuss’n’bubble.
You are right about that, a small link to their about page won’t hurt.
However, if you want to learn more about it, they do have an about link/page, it is in their blog:
Hey Robbie – sorry to hear that they website didn’t provide enough information! A big upgrade to the homepage is on the to-do list, but haven’t rolled anything out yet because we’ve been in silent teaser mode for a while. The site is still in private beta, its just open to signups for a short period to get some new users in to kick the tires. Feel free to send me any ideas or feedback you have at tim(at)keepstream(dot)com – I’d love to discuss further!
Ok. I see now, Keepstream.
Thanks for posting these, there are a few I haven’t checked out yet! I find it tough to find the gems without needing to read through so many of the thousands of blogs that come up in regular searches.